
How To Play Junkrat Since Update

General Data

Welcome to our guide for Junkrat, a Ranged Assassinator in Heroes of the Storm. Inside these pages, you lot will find everything required to empathise how best to play this hero, in both dissimilar map styles and team compositions.

Junkrat is a Ranged Assassin from the Overwatch universe who can deal a large amount of sustained or burst damage from a safe altitude. The AoE aspect of both Frag Launcher Icon Frag Launcher and his Bones Attacks provide him with smashing waveclear and team-wide splash damage. None of Junkrat's abilities utilize Mana, giving him incredible lane sustain and high teamfight presence when challenging objectives or areas of high contention. All of his Basic Abilities can too exist cast while moving. This is critical, as he lacks any sort of reliable escape across Concussion Mine Icon Concussion Mine. When utilized correctly, Junkrat does have Talent options that can make him rather slippery and hard to catch by the enemy team, such as Tricky Shuffles Icon Tricky Shuffles and Ripper Air Icon Ripper Air. Both of his Heroic Abilities, RIP-Tire Icon RIP-Tire and Rocket Ride Icon Rocket Ride, require a period of channeling to be cast. Junkrat should therefore always exist on the lookout for enemy abilities that can interrupt this channel and go on track of their use and remaining cooldowns.


Junkrat'southward Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths

X Weaknesses


Junkrat'due south Talent Build Cheatsheet

Level 1 Extra-Wound Timers Icon Blow 'Em Up! Icon ?

Level 4 Chattering Teeth Icon

Level 7 Sticky Wicket Icon

Level 10 RIP-Tire Icon

Level 13 Gotta Trap 'Em All! Icon Big As Icon ?

Level 16 Endless Nades Icon Spread Volley Icon ?

Level xx Cannonball! Icon

The Steel Trap Icon Steel Trap build works well against an enemy team consisting of assassins similar Genji or Zeratul. Once you accept the talent Gotta Trap 'Em All! Icon Gotta Trap 'Em All!, you will be able to prepare up a perimeter effectually you, saving yourself from enemy assassins diving you, so proceed to punish them for it. You will notwithstanding desire to go for RIP-Tire Icon RIP-Tire and Cannonball! Icon Cannonball! at level x and 20 to nuke a trapped enemy hero.

Level one Blow 'Em Up! Icon

Level 4 BOOM POW Icon

Level 7 Bogged Down Icon

Level 10 RIP-Tire Icon

Level 13 Ripper Air Icon

Level 16 Endless Nades Icon Spread Volley Icon ?

Level xx Cannonball! Icon

The Concussion Mine Icon Concussion Mine build works well with an organized team due to the deportation power of this build. We prioritize getting all of the cooldown-reducing talents allowing Junkrat to always have Concussion Mine up for the occasion. Talents such as Bogged Down Icon Bogged Down and BOOM POW Icon BOOM Prisoner of war reward Junkrat greatly for hitting an enemy hero with a mine, triggering Blow 'Em Up! Icon Accident 'Em Upward! and slowing the displaced enemy hero, effectively resulting in securing a kill.

Level ane Extra-Wound Timers Icon

Level 4 Taste For Explosions Icon

Level 7 Dirty Trickster Icon

Level x RIP-Tire Icon

Level xiii Ripper Air Icon

Level 16 Endless Nades Icon Spread Volley Icon ?

Level twenty Cannonball! Icon

The Frag Launcher Icon Frag Launcher build emphasizes Junkrat's ability to deal big amounts of harm from a distance. Taste For Explosions Icon Sense of taste For Explosions scales the harm of Junkrat's Frag Launcher and makes him more powerful when heading into the tardily game. Endless Nades Icon Countless Nades enables Junkrat to deal more reliable sustained damage during disquisitional standoffs or trades and volition help accrue stacks of Sense of taste for Explosions more quickly. Ripper Air Icon Ripper Air provides Junkrat with a much welcome kiting tool and means of self-peel when being pigeon by the enemy team. A well-placed RIP-Tire Icon RIP-Tire tin be the deviation betwixt a lost and won teamfight.


Junkrat'south Synergies and Counters

Junkrat's low Health pool and squishiness require him to hide behind a stiff frontline that tin distract enemy Heroes during fights. Tanks and bruisers with reliable oversupply-command tin either help Junkrat set-upwardly takedowns, or assistance him with pare should he be focused by the enemy squad. A support that can provide Junkrat with healing or damage mitigation in the form of a shield or buffs is mandatory as he has no source of self-sustain within his entire kit.

Junkrat is countered by highly mobile Heroes who tin easily swoop him in the backline. Across Concussion Mine Icon Concussion Mine Junkrat has no immediate source of peel, therefore he is peculiarly susceptible to Heroes that can stick to him with some class of gap-closer. The fact that all of Junkrat's abilities are skillshots also makes information technology particularly hard to gainsay highly mobile enemy Heroes.


Junkrat's Tips and Tricks

Currently, Junkrat has a decent spot in the current meta. Equally most of the maps in the current ranked rotation favor belatedly game compositions, Junkrat tin can very well scale into a high-DPS monster. Unfortunately, he will not fit into most squad compositions and this is due to his very weak early game damage, you would need a hero that offsets Junkrat'southward early game. During early game you would desire to focus on getting your Taste For Explosions Icon Taste For Explosions stacks up and try to make impactful plays with your Concussion Mine Icon Concussion Mine. Once Junkrat scales into late game, (most notably at level sixteen) he becomes a high sustain damage dealer.

Junkrat can hands poke enemies attempting to capture a Battleground objective that requires channeling, such as Altars on Towers of Doom, Nukes in Warhead Junction, or Shrines on Cursed Hallow. Junkrat's more delicate nature requires allies that tin can form a strong frontline that can preoccupy his enemies while he dishes out his barrage of grenades.

Should an enemy skid through the cracks of his frontline, Junkrat can undo with Concussion Mine Icon Concussion Mine to create some distance between himself and his aggressor. Concussion Mine has a lengthy cooldown so Junkrat should position himself in an peculiarly passive style when this ability is unavailable to him. Junkrat's lack of any self-sustain also requires at least 1 Healer on his squad to ensure he will remain topped off should he receive poke damage or exist pigeon in the backline.

Ane of Junkrat'south greatest strengths lies in the range of his Frag Launcher Icon Frag Launcher. Because the grenades provide vision to Junkrat and his allies, Frag Launcher should exist regularly used as a scouting tool to deter a missing enemy from capturing a Mercenary camp or Battlefield objective behind the veil of the Fog of State of war. Grenades, Concussion Mine and Steel trap tin can likewise be sent into Brush to prevent Junkrat and his team from walking into an ambush. When possible, Junkrat should be constantly repositioning the location of Steel Trap to all-time prevent an enemy from ganking or flanking him or an ally during the laning stage or a teamfight.

  • thirty Jan. 2022 (this page): Updated builds.
  • 12 December. 2021 (this folio): Updated Steel Trap build.
  • 09 Dec. 2021 (talents folio): Updated Steel Trap build.
  • xxx Aug. 2021 (this folio): Updated builds.
  • xxx Aug. 2021 (talents page): Talents accept been updated.
  • nineteen May 2021 (talents folio): Guide has been updated with the new functionality of Big Every bit
  • 03 May 2021 (this page): Updated builds.
  • 03 May 2021 (talents page): Updated builds and talents.
  • 21 Nov. 2020 (talents page): Updated builds and talents.
  • 21 Nov. 2020 (this folio): Updated builds and talents.
  • 25 Aug. 2020 (this page): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
  • 25 Aug. 2020 (talents page): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
  • 08 Aug. 2020 (this page): Builds updated
  • 08 Aug. 2020 (talents page): Builds updated
  • 02 Jul. 2020 (talents folio): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
  • 02 Jul. 2020 (this folio): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
  • 02 Jul. 2020 (abilities page): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
  • 24 Nov. 2019 (this page): Reviewed guide and no changes are needed.
  • 24 November. 2019 (talents page): Reviewed guide and no changes are needed.
  • 26 Sep. 2019 (this page): Updated Junkrat to reflect his new rework.
  • 26 Sep. 2019 (talents page): Updated Junkrat to reverberate his newest rework.
  • 05 Jun. 2019 (talents folio): Updated most talent tier discussions and recommendations.
  • 05 Jun. 2019 (this page): Made diverse improvements and updates to the guide to bring it more in line with the current meta.
  • 02 Nov. 2017 (talents page): Updated the guide following the most recent balance patch, with the following changes being notable.
    • Level 4 Talent Gotta Trap 'Em All (E) has had the Heroes hit requirement reduced from eight to vii.
    • Level 7 Talent Sticky Wicket (Eastward) has had the Slow duration increased from 3 to iii.five Seconds.
  • 16 Oct. 2017 (this folio): Added Junkrat guide.

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How To Play Junkrat Since Update,


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